Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

The Danger of Market Research

Most of the new brands being launched today are created to serve an existing market leader rather than to create new markets. That is why you get so many me-too products out  there in the market place today.

li9ht Brand Communications is not against market research. In fact, we do a lot of market research in the course of our work but market research alone will not help you create the next big brand. Market research can only tell you the size of an existing market and what customers have bought (or not bought). It cannot help you to create a new market. If you cannot create a new market for your brand, your brand cannot grow. 

The reason is very simple. If you launch a brand that is designed to serve an existing market, that market will already have been dominated by some big players and a lot of smaller ones. It is tough launching a brand into a market that already has so many battle-hardened competitors.(y)

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Unfolding the Truth About Beer

Beer is the best damn drink in the world, yet not everybody what it is. Some of us at li9ht Brand Communications had ever drink a pint, but all of us didn’t even know what beer really was when PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. (MBI), the producer of Bir Bintang, Heineken, Bintang Zero, Green Sands and Recharge presented us the opportunity to get a hand at their beer products by conceiving and designing a distinctive booklet that unfolded the truth about beer. The booklet will be handed over to people coming to MBI’s breweries for a so-called “brewery visit”.

After hours of intense brainstormings among ourselves and with the client and one time brewery visit to the company’s one of two plants in Tangerang (the other being in Mojokerto, East Java), li9ht’s creative team came up with an out-of-the-box booklet design concept that represented the MBI’s spirit—enjoyment. The content discloses facts about beer that we assumed most people don’t know about. The booklet takes the form of a big glass tankard full of beer and foam with the Heineken and Bir Bintang logos on the body of the glasses. This is to tell the audience what to find “what is inside a glass of beer”.

CLIENT: PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.
PROJECT: Beer Booklet
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

A Dashboard Pad to Hold Two Tires

Bridgestone tires’ users are car owners, and car owners love to display functional trinkets all around the inside of their cars. That was why Bridgestone promoted a rubber dashboard pad that can hold coins, a cellphone, or any other small items that are easily lost, for a purchase of two tires.

There is nothing special with a square dashboard pad with the Bridgestone logo printed on it, so li9ht Brand Communications’ creative team created a distinctive print ad and store banner to make it, at least, look special. We did an ad with a classic shade simply to give the impression that Bridgestone tires have been long in the market. A straight headline that says “Buy 2 Bridgestone Tires and Get a Dashboard Pad for Free”, and straight visual. Our consideration was that the message must be direct without bluff.

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
PROJECT: Print Ad and Store Banner for Sales Promotion
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Rolling A Drink Bottle with Two Tires

We know by research that consumers want more than simply a product that marketers are selling to them. To keep them loyal to a particular brand, a particular marketer will launch sales promotion programs, either by price deals, loyal reward programs, sweepstakes or any other deals. To pull more consumers to buy Bridgestone tires, the Indonesian marketing office of the Japanese tire brand implemented a loyalty reward program, where consumers will get a Lock & Lock drink bottle for the purchase of two tires.

PT Bridgstone Tire Indonesia invited li9ht Brand Communications to work on the print ad and the store banner that promoted the program. The headline went straight: “Get 1 Cool Drink Bottle By Buying Two Tires”. But li9ht’s creative team went cutting-edge and produced a bent visual, where the two tires were shrunk and formed as if they were the bottle itself with the real cap on top.  

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
PROJECT: Print Ad and Store Banner
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

How to Excavate More Money

Being a member of Trakindo Group of Companies, PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL) provides its customers the convenience and benefit of having all of their leasing needs under one roof for the purchase of Caterpillar equipment. The company delivers a one-stop financing for the purchase of Caterpillar tractors, loaders, engines, generators, excavators and more, for the construction, mining, forestry, agricultural and energy sectors. Not all prospective customers of CSUL’s parent company, Trakindo, are aware of this freshen service, thus li9ht Brand Communications was called in to conceive and design its marketing kit.

The big idea was very simple. The Caterpillar equipment that customers buy are sometimes utilized for the “digging and dredging” of mining materials that were not known before, so we came up with a single keyword that may represent them all: “unearth” or “excavate”.  By digging into CSUL’s, Trakindo’s customers may find the best financial solutions ever offered to them, which eventually will make their businesses more profitable.  

CLIENT: PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing
PROJECT: Corporate Brochure
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Bridgestone’s Chamois Story

There is nothing too special about a chamois leather cloth: A type of porous leather that is favored for its gentle, non-abrasive composition and absorption properties. Car and motorcycle owners have chamois cloth in their inventory as automotive drying material that is safe on acrylic, lacquer, enamel, and polyurethane paints and clear-coats. For this reason, Bridgestone deemed the chamois leather a suitable free gift in exchange with the purchase of two Bridgestone tires.

For this, Bridgestone hired li9ht Brand Communications to develop concepts for magazine and newspaper print ads and store banners that advertised the sales promotional program. We explored several car owners in Jakarta to find out what they used a chamois leather cloth for, and whether the cloth is worth to get for two not-cheap Bridgestone-branded tires. Well, what do you know, other than to wipe dew or water off their car body, a chamois leather is also used to clean up the dirt that sticks to car windows! These facts became the creative rationale of the above designs.

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
PROJECT: Print Ad and Store Banner for Sales Promotion Program
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

A Colorful Plastic Surgery

What is more to say about plastic products? Now, here is a plastic product manufacturing company, based in Sentul, Bogor, West Java that wanted to have an image finer than its bigger, more popular competitors, while keeping its size small. PT Arkan Indoplast Utama manufactures plastic packaging and other products through blowing as well as injection moulds. Well known brands of shampoos, lubrication, motorcycles, and electronics entrust their packaging and parts to Arkan, while the company, realizing the waste may damage the environment, practices the best approach to occupational health, safety, and environment. There is more to plastics than mere manufacture, so li9ht Brand Communications saw the need for Arkan to undergo a plastic surgery to produce an image that has a finer quality.

The identity development took the form of designing a new logo and improving the looks of the company profile. The logo moved off from the chemical symbol of plastic with the color green to signify Arkan’s care for the environment. It bears the slogan “Beyond Plastics” to affirm the company’s undertaking that goes further than manufacturing plastic products.

The three-fold company profile design reveals a colorful display of products, people, technologies and accents that will be perceived as being a modern and dynamic company with an eye to the future.

CLIENT: PT Arkan Indoplast Utama
PROJECT: Corporate Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Taking A Coal Mining Contractor to the Next Level

The Jakarta-based PT Putra Perkasa Abadi or PPA Coal ventures in the field of coal mining as a contractor. It summoned li9ht Brand Communications’ assistance in developing the company’s visual and verbal identities. Environmental issues have been emerging lately, so we recommended the client to pick it as the central theme. Coal mining has been blamed for environmental damage, so it will be wise to brand PPA Coal as a coal mining contractor that cares for the conservation of the environment. The logo design started off as a stylized form of a coal (represented by the light to dark grey cube) which is overwhelmed by a bigger light green cube that represents the green and clean environment. The entire design connotes that PPA Coal applies a green operation of coal mining.

The kind of typography that we selected for the name of the company gives the impression of being playful so as to make it perceived as a "user-friendly" service company.

The slogan at the bottom literally signifies that customers will be taken into deeper levels of the soil, where the best quality coals are usually found, and it is also an idiom which means “to improve”. In other words, PPA Coal improves the way coal mining is done and it will improve a customer’s coal trade.

CLIENT: PT Putra Perkasa Abadi
PROJECT: Visual and Verbal Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

The Intellectual and Spiritual Wisdom’s Need for Branding

Folder (Outside)

Folder (Inside)


The Sumohadiwidjojo Center was founded in December 24, 2011 in Jakarta to promote the study of intellectual and spiritual wisdom for the wellbeing of man and the world. The center submitted a request to li9ht Brand Communications to develop its visual identity and its application on numerous promotional items that were used in a seminar on the subject on June 9, 2012. The logo design started out from the Center’s name initials, i.e. SC. The body of the “S” is shaped by the stylized form of a quill, and the “C” finds itself inside the “S”, which symbolizes that it is the core of the Center’s activity—a study center. The color blue stands for “peace” and “spirituality”, grey for neutrality and yellow being the color of the mind and the intellect.

CLIENT: Sumohadiwidjojo Center
PROJECT: Identity Development

Upgrading the Looks

PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia wanted its TOMO (Toko Model—brandname for the company’s tire and accessories store chain) print advertising to have a new look. It was not ingenuously new in terms of visuals and copywriting; li9ht Brand Communications gave the print advertising instead an entirely new soul! On that basis, we came up with different alternatives that all represent the new soul.

Alternative #1—the main visual becomes the headline. It shows a compass with the needle formed by the typographic logos of Bridgestone’s tire brands—Dueler, Ecopia, Turanza and Potenza—pointing solely at the TOMO model. It represents the message to consumers that Bridgestone tire brands are only found at TOMO.

Alternative #2 visualizes the sketches of four different cars with question marks being in the place of where the tires should be instead. We intentionally used sketches so as not to identify the cars with specific brands. Again, the visual becomes the headline of this ad, with the bodycopy telling readers to find the answers to the question marks at TOMO, the store that provides all types of Bridgestone tires.

Alternative #3 is totally different from the other alternatives, with a traditional editorial layout, but has an entirely new look compared with previous TOMO print ads, dubbed as “old look” by our client. It was this one the got the client’s approval for the launch of the new look, while the other two were published subsequently in a row as reminders. The headline in Bahasa Indonesia says: "Choosing the Right Tire Starts From Choosing the Right Tire Shop."

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
BRAND: Toko Model (TOMO)
PROJECT: Print Advertising
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Beautified Branding

An anti-aging and aesthetics clinic located in Cianjur, West Java, which was started by a dermatologist invited li9ht Brand Communications to design its visual and verbal identities. We came up with the name first, which is QSHANTIQ, derived from the dermatologist’s name, Dr. Kishanti. The Qs in the name stand for “quality”, while “shantiq” is a stylized form of “cantik”, Indonesian for “beautiful”. The logo uses typography and a logogram which characterizes a woman’s head with a beautiful outlook.

The concept for the visual identity departed from the idea that what makes one beautiful is essentially one’s inner self, and QSHANTIQ helps its customers to reveal that essence. Hence the headline in Bahasa Indonesia that says: “Discover the Essence of Your Beauty”. Elements of green plants were added to give the impression that the cosmetics and medicines used are entirely natural.

CLIENT: Dr. Kishanti
PROJECT: Visual and Verbal Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

In Line with the Need for Logistic Professionals

The TELKOM School of Technology (STT Telkom) in Bandung, West Java embraced the Center of Logistic Studies of Widyatama University, also in Bandung, in starting an educational institute that aims on meeting the need for logistic professionals. They reached li9ht Brand Communications to develop the institute’s visual and verbal identities.

We started by creating a name that went well with the institute’s aim. Our copywriter came up with the keyword “in line with the need for logistic professionals” which later became the foundation for the formulation of the brandname, i.e. INLINE, short for “INstitut Logistik IdoNEsia”. Remarkably, the acronym also fits with the English translation of it: INdonesia Logistics INstitutE. Our designer poured the concept into a visual identity—logo—that plainly represents the subject taught by the institute, which is “logistics”, thus visualizing the stylized form of a man pulling a freight cart, which is in itself the stylized form of the brandname.

CLIENT: STT Telkom and Universitas Widyatama
PROJECT: Corporate Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Sailing Towards the Market

The Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based originally Indonesian VIER Group of Companies assigned the branding of its three subsidiaries to li9ht Brand Communications for our broad insight on ships and shipping and, of course, brand communication. Vierlines, Vier Cruisers, and Sunseeker Indonesia offer the rental of service vessels for the global oil and gas service industry, feeder container, luxury yacht charter and sale of Sunseeker luxury yachts.

li9ht’s creative team unpretentiously visualize the combination of ship technologies and luxury living of the customers on the marketing collaterals VIER Group ordered the concepting and designing to. A study implemented on prospective customers revealed that they are the kind of people who are focused, pay attention to detail, straightforward and love minimalistic design. We translated these in the designs displayed above.

CLIENT: VIER Group of Companies
PROJECT: Company Profile and Corporate Identity Development
BRANDS: VierLines, Vier Cruisers, Sunseeker Indonesia
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

A Bridge Too Long

A city branding project came in, and li9ht’s creative team immediately worked on it without despair, because we all fancy the city. It was for Surabaya, the capital of the East Java province in Indonesia, and the republic’s second largest city. Surabaya is an all-you-can-see and all-you-can-get place, also the largest “open air museum in the world” for the municipal conservation efforts implemented on the city’s cultural heritages. But next to all these, the city is currently well known for its iconic landmarks, such as the 30.6-meter high Jalesveva Jayamahe (Sanskrit for “at sea we are triumphant”) monument in the naval base at Ujung pier and the 5,438 meters long Suramadu Bridge, the latter being the most popular as it is the longest bridge in Indonesia.

We decided on the bridge to become the key visual identity, as it is the most contemporary, beside the fact that people outside the city are mostly familiar with it. The bridge happens to have two pylons (towers) from which cables support the bridge deck. These pylons have the form of the letter “A”, which is the last letter on the second and the fourth syllable of the word “SURABAYA”. We simply put the words “SUR” and “BAY” with the As being the A-formed pylons.

CLIENT: Surabaya Municipal Government
PROJECT: City Branding

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

A YOUNG Company With SMALL Staff And a BIG Sense of Humor

li9ht Brand Communications is a young company, founded recently, and will be forever young. The people that run the company are young by age and young at heart, though. li9ht is not a big branding consultancy firm like the giants that gave the world famous household names. It’s run by a small staff who thinks big and has a big sense of humor.

Life is short, but people take life far too seriously. But then we also take branding really seriously. Yet we do it because it’s fun, and also because at one level it’s very important. What li9ht Brand Communications does is working on branding flexibly—and flexibility is arguably a weighty thing in contemporary life. We can go wherever we want and learn as much as we want through every project that comes knocking on our door.

Because flexibility is what smart people identify with, it is of massive importance in everybody’s life. And no branding consultancy firm knows more about flexibility than li9ht Brand Communications.

LI9HT’s Creative Director Speaking at a Public Lecture

Anto Dwiastoro has 20 years of copywriting, creative directing, and branding experience on his back. Reading history at the University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Humanities from 1987 to 1993, he will be coming back to his alma mater to speak at a public lecture organized by the History Department for students taking a course in the history of social networking. On March 20, 2013, Anto will perform a presentation on “Building Brands 3.0—Konsepsi, Persepsi, Resepsi”. The above event poster was conceived by him, showing his witty move, well known among his peers, by highli9hting the “U” and “I” letters that happened to be found in the word “BUILDING”, which is known among the University’s students as the initials of their alma mater. The public lecture is organized in order to win a positive accreditation for the History Department.

A Minihydro Power Plant’s Need for Branding



PT Hydro Cleanergy Indonesia is a Jakarta-based company that specializes itself in providing mini-hydro power plants to areas that are far from the reach of PLN due to their remoteness, taking advantage of nearby river streams. The company inquired li9ht Brand Communications to develop its corporate logo and identity, including its corporate brochure (company profile) aimed to acquire investors. li9ht’s creative team enli9htened the client first with a logo design that stylized a water wheel with the blades arranged in such a way it forms the letter “C” for “clean”. The green field behind it denotes that the company provides an eco-friendly technology to generate power.

li9ht's copywriter came up with the idea that underlaid the cover headline of HCI's corporate brochure. The nature of the flow of river water is sustainable—it keeps going and going—and flows from up the mountains down the hills to the sea. The word "sustainable" is  rampant lately, for it represents today's businesses that are run by applying the Best Practices (e.g., Go Green). Through this headline, HCI is telling that it is a clean and green, thus "sustainable", company that distributes the electricity for upstream as well as downstream industries. The content is written in both Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.
CLIENT: PT Hydro Cleanergy Indonesia
PROJECT: Logo and Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Multi Bintang’s CSR Program

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. has two plants, one in Tangerang and the other in Mojokerto, East Java. The company recently complied to a government’s regulation that rules companies to spend a small portion of their profits for corporate social responsibility activities that benefit the community and environment they found themselves among. Multi Bintang launched a simple and easy-to-perform environmental conservation program that engages its employees in their own neighborhood. It took the form of a Biopori Infiltration Hole, an infiltration basin method intended to address flooding by increasing the power of water absorption in the soil. The company provided the drilling tool and hole covers to any employee interested to participate in the program. li9ht designed the communication tools, including this poster. The headline in Bahasa Indonesia says, “Great Things Start Small.”
CLIENT: PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.
PROJECT: Biopori Infiltration Hole
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

A Beer Company’s Internal Branding

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. has been in business for 80 years when it asked li9ht Brand Communications’ assistance to build its internal brand. Turnover was high and it made the management concerned so a focus group discussion was held, resulting with a sad fact: Employees didn’t have the pride to work at Multi Bintang, because the external public didn’t know what the company stood for. li9ht enli9htened the management that they need to renovate the company’s inhouse magazine, Warta Bintang, so it would represent the true spirit of Multi Bintang, i.e. Enjoyment. li9ht’s creative team came up with a new form of Warta Bintang, with the new layout and content mainly expressing enjoyment. The first edition of the new Warta Bintang was published in September 2012, with the spirit of Indonesia’s Independence Day and Eid ul-Fitr still strong, so Victory became the theme, represented by fingers showing the V for Victory that forms a star (bintang).

CLIENT: PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.
PROJECT: Inhouse Magazine
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

There is One Particular Brand in Every Toothpaste

The brandname of this toothpaste attracted us, since it depicts the content that is promoted by almost every toothpaste brandss: Antiplaque. No matter what toothpaste brand you used when you brush your teeth, it contains antiplaque. The fact facilitates li9ht Brand Communications with a simple idea for its print advertising: We simply visualize a toothpaste tube of a particular brand being unwrapped and show the “antiplaque” contained in it, which is our hero—the real Antiplaque brand. The headline in Bahasa Indonesia says, “It may be ugly, but plaques never lie. So, choose the true antiplaque.”
CLIENT: Triple Ace Corporation
BRAND: Antiplaque toothpaste
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

SEO & Web Design

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. li9ht Brand Communications’ SEOs and Web Designers design websites and optimize them, which involve their content, HTMLand associated coding to both increase their relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

EnLI9HTening Works

Chili Inhibits Indonesians From Speaking English

Most people in Indonesia believe that the main cause of the inability to speak English among Indonesians equal to native speakers is their interest to eat chili and fatty food. This is certainly not true for the fact that native Indonesians who have spent some time in English-speaking nations do not face the like fate. Now, Indonesian students do not have to go abroad to master English equal to native speakers, since there is IALF to help them out. The concept for this print advertising is simple: If you learn English at IALF, no matter how many chilis you have eaten you still can say the name of the famous American rock band equal to native speakers!
CLIENT: Indonesia Australia Language Foundation—Surabaya
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Age Makes You Wiser in Language

It is believed that the older people become, the wiser they are in speaking and/or writing a language. At least, when you are older and have the opportunity to continue to higher education you need to take a course in serious English. Which is provided by IALF. No bodycopy necessary, a headline which synchronizes with the visual—Scrabble individual lettered tiles that mock pathetic obnoxious brats for having poor mastery of English—tells all!
CLIENT: Indonesia Australia Language Foundation—Surabaya
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Never Say the F-Word Ever Again

Indonesian students are familiar with English mostly from movies and music, sometimes without knowing what some words really meant. The word mostly spoken is the easiest-to-remember F-word, while at the same time it gives the impression of someone who is uneducated but pretends so by saying something gross, as if the knowledge of slang-uage represents modernity or affirms someone of having the understanding of new trends. The print advertising that IALF Surabaya  entrusted to li9ht Brand Communications to attract university students to learn serious English at IALF took the tendency into account: Without showing a student writing on the blackboard for the punishment he got, the readers may immediately get the impression for what he got punished. No bodycopy necessary, a questioning headline tells all!

CLIENT: Indonesia Australia Language Foundation—Surabaya
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

The Energy-Saving Ecopia

PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia entrusted li9ht Brand Communications with the creative design of the leaflet for its latest tire innovation, the eco-friendly ECOPIA. We thought about creating a minimalistic design, so readers may get the message right away. It’s a Japanese multinational company after all, so we thought a so-called Zen design approach might do. The low rolling resistance capability of the tire saves energy. This drove the idea of simply portraying the tire holding the needle of a fuel meter steady at the FULL position. The color green is used to represent the green product philosophy. 

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
BRAND: Ecopia
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

EnLI9HTening Company Profile

Only LI9HT Can Do It!