Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

In Line with the Need for Logistic Professionals

The TELKOM School of Technology (STT Telkom) in Bandung, West Java embraced the Center of Logistic Studies of Widyatama University, also in Bandung, in starting an educational institute that aims on meeting the need for logistic professionals. They reached li9ht Brand Communications to develop the institute’s visual and verbal identities.

We started by creating a name that went well with the institute’s aim. Our copywriter came up with the keyword “in line with the need for logistic professionals” which later became the foundation for the formulation of the brandname, i.e. INLINE, short for “INstitut Logistik IdoNEsia”. Remarkably, the acronym also fits with the English translation of it: INdonesia Logistics INstitutE. Our designer poured the concept into a visual identity—logo—that plainly represents the subject taught by the institute, which is “logistics”, thus visualizing the stylized form of a man pulling a freight cart, which is in itself the stylized form of the brandname.

CLIENT: STT Telkom and Universitas Widyatama
PROJECT: Corporate Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

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