Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Beautified Branding

An anti-aging and aesthetics clinic located in Cianjur, West Java, which was started by a dermatologist invited li9ht Brand Communications to design its visual and verbal identities. We came up with the name first, which is QSHANTIQ, derived from the dermatologist’s name, Dr. Kishanti. The Qs in the name stand for “quality”, while “shantiq” is a stylized form of “cantik”, Indonesian for “beautiful”. The logo uses typography and a logogram which characterizes a woman’s head with a beautiful outlook.

The concept for the visual identity departed from the idea that what makes one beautiful is essentially one’s inner self, and QSHANTIQ helps its customers to reveal that essence. Hence the headline in Bahasa Indonesia that says: “Discover the Essence of Your Beauty”. Elements of green plants were added to give the impression that the cosmetics and medicines used are entirely natural.

CLIENT: Dr. Kishanti
PROJECT: Visual and Verbal Identity Development
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

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