Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Multi Bintang’s CSR Program

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. has two plants, one in Tangerang and the other in Mojokerto, East Java. The company recently complied to a government’s regulation that rules companies to spend a small portion of their profits for corporate social responsibility activities that benefit the community and environment they found themselves among. Multi Bintang launched a simple and easy-to-perform environmental conservation program that engages its employees in their own neighborhood. It took the form of a Biopori Infiltration Hole, an infiltration basin method intended to address flooding by increasing the power of water absorption in the soil. The company provided the drilling tool and hole covers to any employee interested to participate in the program. li9ht designed the communication tools, including this poster. The headline in Bahasa Indonesia says, “Great Things Start Small.”
CLIENT: PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.
PROJECT: Biopori Infiltration Hole
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

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