Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

The Intellectual and Spiritual Wisdom’s Need for Branding

Folder (Outside)

Folder (Inside)


The Sumohadiwidjojo Center was founded in December 24, 2011 in Jakarta to promote the study of intellectual and spiritual wisdom for the wellbeing of man and the world. The center submitted a request to li9ht Brand Communications to develop its visual identity and its application on numerous promotional items that were used in a seminar on the subject on June 9, 2012. The logo design started out from the Center’s name initials, i.e. SC. The body of the “S” is shaped by the stylized form of a quill, and the “C” finds itself inside the “S”, which symbolizes that it is the core of the Center’s activity—a study center. The color blue stands for “peace” and “spirituality”, grey for neutrality and yellow being the color of the mind and the intellect.

CLIENT: Sumohadiwidjojo Center
PROJECT: Identity Development

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