Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

There is One Particular Brand in Every Toothpaste

The brandname of this toothpaste attracted us, since it depicts the content that is promoted by almost every toothpaste brandss: Antiplaque. No matter what toothpaste brand you used when you brush your teeth, it contains antiplaque. The fact facilitates li9ht Brand Communications with a simple idea for its print advertising: We simply visualize a toothpaste tube of a particular brand being unwrapped and show the “antiplaque” contained in it, which is our hero—the real Antiplaque brand. The headline in Bahasa Indonesia says, “It may be ugly, but plaques never lie. So, choose the true antiplaque.”
CLIENT: Triple Ace Corporation
BRAND: Antiplaque toothpaste
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

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