Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Keeping It Simple

The founder of PT Ristra Indolab is a professional cosmeto-dermatologist that knows very well how to simplify matters of the skin by combining all the ingredients into perfectly formulated skincare products. What the consumers received are simple packaged products that are efficacious in treating tropical skins properly. Not everybody really knows that the products had been prepared through meticulous clinical tests and are the result of intensive research and development of microbiological tests. The print ad prepared by li9ht’s creative team reflected on this—just to keep it simple. The headline says, "One person simplifies it for your skin."

Creative Director: ANTO DWIASTORO

The Skin Map

Turns out—according to the client, who is a cosmeto-dermatologist—that skins know geography. A tropical skin will resists whatever treatment it gets if it comes from categories meant for skins from other climatic and biomatic regions of the Earth. That is what skincare products from Ristra are all about. The company positions itself as “the tropical expert”, meaning that it understands perfectly the skins of the Indonesian market as well as other tropical countries. Based on this, li9ht’s creative team produced an idea that emphasizes on this unique trait; that employed a “twisted logic” approach by likening the skin as a map, which directs the owner to the right treatment. The headline in the second ad says, "Becaus the skin knows geography."

Creative Director: ANTO DWIASTORO

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

A Reflection of the Past

The largest glass manufacturer in Indonesia celebrated its 40th anniversary in April 2013, and a team was formed for the production of a memorial book on the company’s history, from its inception to today. Our key branding consultant who also happened to be a copywriter and creative director was involved in the making.

The title, “Through the Looking Glass”, although the same with Lewis Carroll’s 1871 work of literature (Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There), is an English idiom that refers to a mirror. A mirror reflects the opposite from real life, such as clocks running backwards. As it is used in Asahimas’ memorial book, readers go through words and pictures that serve as “the looking glass” to find a world both clear and recognizable yet it brings them to a flashback. “Through the looking glass” is like when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Doing so, is in purpose to qualify ourselves, evaluate our goods and our mistakes. Thus, “Through the Looking Glass” is extended as a metaphor into any time Asahimas find itself and its achievements it is because of its past.

Creative Director: ANTO DWIASTORO


Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Inheriting the Earth to the Next Generation

In February 2013, li9ht Brand Communications' Key Branding Consultant, Mr. Anto Dwiastoro, was invited by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia (KLH) to prepare the content and direct the creative design of the production of a book that tells readers about the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) undertakings of 11 companies in Indonesia, which made them win the PROPER (Corporate Performance Rating Program) in 2012. 

The title, A Journey to Gold: Mencapai PROPER Emas, Menyemai Kebajikan, Melindungi Lingkungan (A Journey to Gold: Achieving the Gold PROPER, Sowing Virtues, Protecting the Environment), represents the book's content that displays the process underwent by the 11 companies to protect the environment through applying CSR practices. It is like inheriting an environmentally and socially clean planet to the next generation. Hence, the stylized form of a mother (Mother Earth) giving the Earth globe to her child. The white, minimalistic space in the background simply represents cleanliness.

CLIENT: Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup/Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia 

WRITER: Anto Dwiastoro
EDITOR: Anto Dwiastoro

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

The Danger of Market Research

Most of the new brands being launched today are created to serve an existing market leader rather than to create new markets. That is why you get so many me-too products out  there in the market place today.

li9ht Brand Communications is not against market research. In fact, we do a lot of market research in the course of our work but market research alone will not help you create the next big brand. Market research can only tell you the size of an existing market and what customers have bought (or not bought). It cannot help you to create a new market. If you cannot create a new market for your brand, your brand cannot grow. 

The reason is very simple. If you launch a brand that is designed to serve an existing market, that market will already have been dominated by some big players and a lot of smaller ones. It is tough launching a brand into a market that already has so many battle-hardened competitors.(y)

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Unfolding the Truth About Beer

Beer is the best damn drink in the world, yet not everybody what it is. Some of us at li9ht Brand Communications had ever drink a pint, but all of us didn’t even know what beer really was when PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. (MBI), the producer of Bir Bintang, Heineken, Bintang Zero, Green Sands and Recharge presented us the opportunity to get a hand at their beer products by conceiving and designing a distinctive booklet that unfolded the truth about beer. The booklet will be handed over to people coming to MBI’s breweries for a so-called “brewery visit”.

After hours of intense brainstormings among ourselves and with the client and one time brewery visit to the company’s one of two plants in Tangerang (the other being in Mojokerto, East Java), li9ht’s creative team came up with an out-of-the-box booklet design concept that represented the MBI’s spirit—enjoyment. The content discloses facts about beer that we assumed most people don’t know about. The booklet takes the form of a big glass tankard full of beer and foam with the Heineken and Bir Bintang logos on the body of the glasses. This is to tell the audience what to find “what is inside a glass of beer”.

CLIENT: PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.
PROJECT: Beer Booklet
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

A Dashboard Pad to Hold Two Tires

Bridgestone tires’ users are car owners, and car owners love to display functional trinkets all around the inside of their cars. That was why Bridgestone promoted a rubber dashboard pad that can hold coins, a cellphone, or any other small items that are easily lost, for a purchase of two tires.

There is nothing special with a square dashboard pad with the Bridgestone logo printed on it, so li9ht Brand Communications’ creative team created a distinctive print ad and store banner to make it, at least, look special. We did an ad with a classic shade simply to give the impression that Bridgestone tires have been long in the market. A straight headline that says “Buy 2 Bridgestone Tires and Get a Dashboard Pad for Free”, and straight visual. Our consideration was that the message must be direct without bluff.

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
PROJECT: Print Ad and Store Banner for Sales Promotion
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

Rolling A Drink Bottle with Two Tires

We know by research that consumers want more than simply a product that marketers are selling to them. To keep them loyal to a particular brand, a particular marketer will launch sales promotion programs, either by price deals, loyal reward programs, sweepstakes or any other deals. To pull more consumers to buy Bridgestone tires, the Indonesian marketing office of the Japanese tire brand implemented a loyalty reward program, where consumers will get a Lock & Lock drink bottle for the purchase of two tires.

PT Bridgstone Tire Indonesia invited li9ht Brand Communications to work on the print ad and the store banner that promoted the program. The headline went straight: “Get 1 Cool Drink Bottle By Buying Two Tires”. But li9ht’s creative team went cutting-edge and produced a bent visual, where the two tires were shrunk and formed as if they were the bottle itself with the real cap on top.  

CLIENT: PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
PROJECT: Print Ad and Store Banner
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro

How to Excavate More Money

Being a member of Trakindo Group of Companies, PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing (CSUL) provides its customers the convenience and benefit of having all of their leasing needs under one roof for the purchase of Caterpillar equipment. The company delivers a one-stop financing for the purchase of Caterpillar tractors, loaders, engines, generators, excavators and more, for the construction, mining, forestry, agricultural and energy sectors. Not all prospective customers of CSUL’s parent company, Trakindo, are aware of this freshen service, thus li9ht Brand Communications was called in to conceive and design its marketing kit.

The big idea was very simple. The Caterpillar equipment that customers buy are sometimes utilized for the “digging and dredging” of mining materials that were not known before, so we came up with a single keyword that may represent them all: “unearth” or “excavate”.  By digging into CSUL’s, Trakindo’s customers may find the best financial solutions ever offered to them, which eventually will make their businesses more profitable.  

CLIENT: PT Chandra Sakti Utama Leasing
PROJECT: Corporate Brochure
COPYWRITER: Anto Dwiastoro