Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

A Reflection of the Past

The largest glass manufacturer in Indonesia celebrated its 40th anniversary in April 2013, and a team was formed for the production of a memorial book on the company’s history, from its inception to today. Our key branding consultant who also happened to be a copywriter and creative director was involved in the making.

The title, “Through the Looking Glass”, although the same with Lewis Carroll’s 1871 work of literature (Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There), is an English idiom that refers to a mirror. A mirror reflects the opposite from real life, such as clocks running backwards. As it is used in Asahimas’ memorial book, readers go through words and pictures that serve as “the looking glass” to find a world both clear and recognizable yet it brings them to a flashback. “Through the looking glass” is like when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Doing so, is in purpose to qualify ourselves, evaluate our goods and our mistakes. Thus, “Through the Looking Glass” is extended as a metaphor into any time Asahimas find itself and its achievements it is because of its past.

Creative Director: ANTO DWIASTORO


Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Inheriting the Earth to the Next Generation

In February 2013, li9ht Brand Communications' Key Branding Consultant, Mr. Anto Dwiastoro, was invited by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia (KLH) to prepare the content and direct the creative design of the production of a book that tells readers about the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) undertakings of 11 companies in Indonesia, which made them win the PROPER (Corporate Performance Rating Program) in 2012. 

The title, A Journey to Gold: Mencapai PROPER Emas, Menyemai Kebajikan, Melindungi Lingkungan (A Journey to Gold: Achieving the Gold PROPER, Sowing Virtues, Protecting the Environment), represents the book's content that displays the process underwent by the 11 companies to protect the environment through applying CSR practices. It is like inheriting an environmentally and socially clean planet to the next generation. Hence, the stylized form of a mother (Mother Earth) giving the Earth globe to her child. The white, minimalistic space in the background simply represents cleanliness.

CLIENT: Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup/Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia 

WRITER: Anto Dwiastoro
EDITOR: Anto Dwiastoro